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Contact VickiStretch marks – is there a miracle cure? Around 70% of pregnant women develop stretch marks during pregnancy and this is due to scarring that develops in the deeper layers of the skin.
When there is a lot of stress, stretching and strain on the collagen fibres in the skin, and repetitive stress and tension in the deeper fibres (dermis) this causes the fibres to break, which then creates the marks on the surface of the skin that we know as stretch marks.
Being pregnant creates that type of stress and strain on the skin, and depending on what type of collagen, elastin and skin type you have will determine whether you are more likely to get stretch marks.
Unfortunately there is no way you can prevent stretch marks, as research shows that stretch marks are hereditary, so if your mother had stretch marks during pregnancy, then the likelihood is that you will probably get stretch marks too due to your genetic makeup.
However, for those who are likely to get stretch marks you can reduce the severity of them with your diet and how much weight you put on or how rapidly you put the weight on. Stretch marks over time will eventually fade, but the texture of the marks will be permanent. Many companies out there are claiming to “cure stretch marks” and you need to be wary of spending thousands of dollars to undergo treatment that you hope will cure your stretch marks.
You may reduce the appearance of them and so maybe in these circumstances many women can regain some confidence in their body image, which is obviously a good thing, however on the other hand many women have found that it did nothing for them – my old saying “we are all individuals, what works for one person may not work for the next.
There is no miracle cure for stretch marks – no cream, lotion, potion or machine that can do that so don’t be fooled by clever marketing. A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment identified that laser treatment that was trialled on 17 women with stretch marks, over six treatments performed weekly, seemed to be effective in improving the texture and appearance of the stretch marks, however again it did not remove them completely.
We recommend that you keep your skin hydrated by using a rich, thick cream, which will also help to reduce or eliminate the itchiness of the stretching skin with your growing belly. When you are applying cream or oil to your belly we recommend you massage it in a clockwise direction – the direction of your digestion.
Drinking plenty of water (coconut water is great) will also be helpful in hydrating your body and skin.
I create my own beautiful cream that all my massage, doula and pregnancy clients have loved for many years called “Essential Pampering Body Cream” that can be used at any time, not just pregnancy, and the gentle aromas of the essential oils blended with this cream will help you to feel calm and relaxed. Again, I don’t claim that this cream will prevent or get rid of stretch marks, but it is a lovely cream to nurture you.
You can order the Well Woman Sanctuary Essential Pampering Body Cream for $49.95 plus postage by emailing me at [email protected]
Now it’s time to think of your stretch marks as your “Womb Stripes” as you remind yourself and everyone else who sees them that you have earned these stripes – you are a mother, a creator, a life long energetic connection to another human being who grew inside you and was nurtured by you, and that makes you another amazing, awesome womyn of the world.
If you have any questions or would just like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Contact Vicki