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antenatal classes Perth

Empowered first time mum switches to home birth

When I found out I was pregnant I immediately felt partial to having a home birth. I was born at home myself in the early 90s, as were many of my cousins and my brother four years later (which my mum encouraged a very excited me to be present for – my interest in pregnancy...

Optimal Maternal Positioning (OMP) Protocols

I am so fortunate and honoured to have met and learnt from Ginny Phang-Davey from iBirth Professionals, who shares her knowledge and experience with us on how to use the basic OMP PROTOCOLS during pregnancy, labour and birth for a better birth experience. The great thing about Ginny is she is so authentic about these...

Our boys birth….some beers….and overwhelming elation!

I just wanted to put down some words to share my experience, love and respect for Vicki, Doula Extraordinaire. What would be the day my son was born all began in the early hours of a Sunday morning. My wife woke me to tell me to go and turn the heater on in our front...