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Being prepared for “any” birth, because birth is unpredictable

I feel it is important to share birth stories of when things don’t go to plan, because even though you may be preparing yourself for a physiological birth, in my classes I discuss also being prepared for “any” birth, because birth is unpredictable. We discuss the deviation to the ideal plan, and how it is important to ask questions, consider the risks, benefits and alternatives, and work through the challenges calmly while being an active participant in the decision-making process.

It is also important for partners to feel they too have been involved, comforting and supporting their partner through the easy bits, the hard bits and everything in between, and for the majority of the time the partners are fully invested, no sleep, no food (although we talk about this in my classes as well that sustaining your energy is just as important as the labouring woman sustaining her energy), and being in an enclosed space for the duration of labour and birth can also be challenging, particularly if labour is long.

I am really proud to share Tash and Kieren’s experience, of where Plan A didn’t go to plan, so they tried Plan B, and that didn’t go the way it was meant to because baby just didn’t like it, so they opted for Plan C, but all the while Tash felt like she was in control of the narrative, with Kieren right there every step of the way.

Two people, loving and sharing that bond of birth that only these two people can know and understand for each other. The intimate and transformative connection shared during labour and birth. Time pauses and the world outside fades, leaving only the shared rhythm of breath, the exchange of strength, and the depth of mutual vulnerability. The act of giving and receiving, of one person bringing life forward, while the other offers unwavering support, which creates a sacred space where love is both the foundation and the force that carries them through.


Back to Basics Birthing, birth story, caesarean, epidural, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Community Midwifery Program, CMP, Perth birth, Doula Perth, Perth Doula, physiological birth, childbirth classes Perth, antenatal classes Perth, hypnobirthing Perth, Perth Hypnobirthing, Vicki Hobbs, Doula Training Academy

Thank you Tash for sharing your story…..

“I’d love to share my experience with you and other mums, I’ll try shortening it as much as possible, but this is my story:

This was my first pregnancy / baby, and I wanted nothing more than a water / home birth. I was so adamant that my body could do it, I trusted the process, there wasn’t doubt or fear in my mind and your classes only cemented that for me.

Unfortunately, baby boy had other plans haha.

My waters broke and the surges began within 3 hours and got pretty intense around the 10-hour mark hitting more frequently.

Twenty-four hours later and I had no choice but to go to hospital as its CMP policy, which to me was terrifying. I really didn’t want to birth my boy in a hospital, let alone have medical intervention, however baby comes first so I made my way to the hospital.

Back to Basics Birthing, birth story, caesarean, epidural, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Community Midwifery Program, CMP, Perth birth, Doula Perth, Perth Doula, physiological birth, childbirth classes Perth, antenatal classes Perth, hypnobirthing Perth, Perth Hypnobirthing, Vicki Hobbs, Doula Training Academy

I continued my breathing techniques and moving through my very intense and very frequent surges. I still remember hanging onto a table at the coffee shop outside the hospital going through a surge with those guttural ‘ahhhhs’ at 7am, with people sitting all around me enjoying their morning brew watching me like a train wreck that I was stopping every few steps to contract haha.

I went almost 40 of those hours unmedicated and I was running off fumes, no sleep but using our holistic techniques you taught me. Babe was totally calm the whole time, but I finally needed an epidural as I was exhausted… turns out bub was on a weird angle despite doing chiro since second trimester.

Fast forward to 52 hours of labour I finally gave in to a c-section despite doing everything I possibly could to dilate and birth vaginally. This didn’t come as a light decision, and I had declined their offer for almost two days until I had exhausted all other avenues.

I was absolutely shattered by the end of it. My spinal block was so intense, and I couldn’t feel from my neck down, so it felt like I wasn’t breathing. I couldn’t hold my baby because my arms didn’t work, and I was absolutely out of it on meds.

Back to Basics Birthing, birth story, caesarean, epidural, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Community Midwifery Program, CMP, Perth birth, Doula Perth, Perth Doula, physiological birth, childbirth classes Perth, antenatal classes Perth, hypnobirthing Perth, Perth Hypnobirthing, Vicki Hobbs, Doula Training Academy

Everything I wanted for my unmedicated, calm home / water birth went tits up.

However, despite that being THE most hardest and physically enduring 3 days I’ve ever experienced I would do it all over again for him.

Kieren was incredibly supportive throughout the 52 hours. He didn’t sleep either and just stayed by my side the whole time reminding me to do my hypno-breathing. He was incredible and I couldn’t have done it without him.

Thankyou Vicki for teaching me those hypnobirthing techniques, even though I didn’t get what I wanted I still feel like a bad ass for enduring those long hours with nothing but my breath work, my partner and a whole load of willpower.

Kind regards,


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Vicki Hobbs

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    About Vicki Hobbs

    My name is Vicki Hobbs and I am a Childbirth Educator (Back to Basics Birthing), Hypnobirthing Practitioner, Certified VBAC Educator, Remedial Massage Therapist specialising in Pregnancy & Postpartum Massage, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Certified Placenta Encapsulator, Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist, Reiki Practitioner and Life Coach.

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