Contact Vicki
If you have any questions or would just like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Contact VickiThanks to Vicki and her amazing hypnobirthing classes I was able to birth my first baby naturally.
We cannot thank her enough for all the knowledge both my partner Mark and I gained from hypnobirthing.
On the 16th September 2016 (one week after my estimated due date) I went into labour with my first baby.
At about 4:30am I woke up with cramping sensations, trying not to get too excited I went to the loo then got back in bed as the feeling had passed.
Fifteen minutes later I was up again with the same cramping, so I decided to go out onto the lounge so I didn’t wake my partner.
The surges kept coming and going quite frequently and were also getting stronger so I started timing them.
When they were 10 minutes apart I was certain that I was in labour so I woke my partner up to let him know what was going on.
We were both so excited as we knew soon we would have our baby in our arms.
I called my sister Michelle who was going to be a support person at my birth to let her know I was in labour.
She had also done Vicki’s hypnobirthing classes with her third baby, which was a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean).
As I was talking to her I was having intense surges mainly in my lower back and she reminded me to breathe through the surges and this really helped with the intensity.
While we waited for her to arrive I decided to get into the shower as the water running over my back was a big relief. My partner took over the timing of the surges which were now roughly 5 minutes apart.
As the surges became stronger I repeated positive affirmations in my head and kept breathing through each surge trying to get in my zone.
When my sister arrived at 8am I knew it was time to go to the hospital so we packed up the car and headed to the hospital.
In the ten minute drive to the hospital I had 4 intense surges and my sister kept reminding me to breathe and also to relax in-between surges.
When we arrived at the hospital I could barely walk.
I also felt the urge to push when we were still in the carpark and it was then I knew my baby was ready to meet us.
I was taken up to the labour ward in a wheelchair as soon as we got there.
I wanted to get straight back into the shower so I could focus and get back into my zone.
My sister set up candles, my vision board and dimmed the lights while I listened to my hypnobirthing tracks in the shower with my partner by my side.
Soon after the midwife came in to check how I was going, and asked if she could examine me to see how far along I was.
Using all my strength I got up onto the bed and I was thrilled to find out that I was already fully dilated!!
I would soon be holding my baby in my arms!
The surges were very intense at this stage.
I found it most comfortable to get onto my knees on the bed and lean over the top.
With one big push my waters broke which was very exciting.
From then I could feel my baby moving down and I visualised this as it was happening.
With each break between surges I really tried to relax my whole body, my partner also offered me water to keep me hydrated.
I was delighted to find out that the midwife at my birth had also practiced hypnobirthing with her baby in New Zealand. She encouraged me to listen to my body and to push if I felt the urge.
After fifteen minutes of intense surges my baby had started to crown and I felt so powerful.
I listened to my body and pushed remembering to use the breathing techniques I had learnt and out came my baby’s head.
With one last push the body was out and I was finally holding my baby.
My partner checked the sex and excitedly told me we had a girl!
She was the most perfect little thing I had ever seen!
Edie Mae was born at 10:30am and my whole labour was 6 hours.
I was over the moon and so incredibly proud of my self.
The knowledge and techniques I gained from hypnobirthing definitely helped me to have the amazing natural birth that I did, and gave me the courage to believe in myself and my body.
Simone & Mark
January 2017
If you have any questions or would just like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Contact Vicki