Contact Vicki
If you have any questions or would just like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Contact VickiIn sharing my experience, hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Sebastian was born at 9.03am on the 8th September weighing 8-pound 3.5 oz.
Even with the knowledge you gave us, I suppose you don’t truly know how it will be until you go through it.
Next time I don’t think I’ll go private.
As you warned us we felt really pressured to rush and move things along despite our wishes.
I know we could have chosen another obstetrician however we felt we had come too far along to change.
I ended up being induced on 7th September (two days before his EDD).
His activity had slowed down and my fluid was getting low.
I also had an episode of feeling really unwell and I almost fainted in the waiting room of my acupuncture appointment (to try bring on labour naturally) so my Obstetrician asked me to come in.
I was monitored and bubs and I were fine.
She asked to check my cervix to see where I was at and my waters broke.
I tried to get contractions started myself for about 4 hours using techniques we had been taught and when they didn’t start I was put on the Syntocinon drip which restricted my movement.
I had wireless monitoring, which unfortunately stopped working only a couple of hours in, so ended up with the monitor on one side and drip on the other but was still able to sit on the ball at the end of the bed.
I handled the surges really well using the techniques we had been taught.
I found the darkness of the room, breathing and essential oils made such a difference.
I also loved rocking around on the exercise ball too.
All the midwives kept telling us how much they loved how our room smelt and felt like a day spa – it was so relaxing!
After failing to progress my Syntocinon was cranked up, which was when I started to lose my resolve.
The surges were on top of each other and found it difficult to cope and ended up having an epidural at 3am.
I would have loved to have had access to warm water but due to the drip this was not possible.
Sebastian was a vaginal vacuum assisted delivery (we later found out we were on the verge of going to a caesarean).
Sebastian popped a hole in his lung upon exit after taking a big breath, which meant he was in neonatal for 3 days.
I’m so glad I did the Hypnobirthing classes with Vicki as without it I would have been anxious the whole way through and not been able to handle it the way I did.
I’m really proud I went 12 hours before having the epidural.
Everything didn’t go as we had hoped but the techniques and knowledge, we had learnt definitely made a difference to my birthing experience.
I can’t have imagined going through all of that with no knowledge or sense of calm.
I’m happy to share my hospital room photos so you can see how lovely it was.
Sebastian is an incredibly chilled baby and I put that down to the hypnobirthing techniques I practised and the hypnosis tracks I listened to throughout my pregnancy!
Thanks again Vicki, the course was awesome, and I’ve recommended it to several parents-to-be as essential learning before having their bubs.
The classes definitely helped Simon and gave him an understanding of what happens during birth and how to be an awesome support person, which he was.
Many Thanks
Aimee & Simon
If you have any questions or would just like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch by clicking the button below and filling out the contact form.
Contact Vicki