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Optimal Maternal Positioning (OMP) Protocols

I am so fortunate and honoured to have met and learnt from Ginny Phang-Davey from iBirth Professionals, who shares her knowledge and experience with us on how to use the basic OMP PROTOCOLS during pregnancy, labour and birth for a better birth experience. The great thing about Ginny is she is so authentic about these...

Perth Bodyworkers Collective

We have some really incredible bodyworkers in Perth, so I have put together the Perth Bodyworkers Collective and these are all practitioners that I know, like and trust and regularly refer my clients to who have had amazing results. I always suggest having regular massage during pregnancy with a Pregnancy Massage Specialist who has done...

Natural Induction Methods – do they work?

There is no such thing as a “natural induction” of labour. Anything that is trying to make your baby come before it is ready is a risk. So, you think it is time to evict your baby? You have had enough. You are tired, uncomfortable and just want to meet your little oneā€¦..NOW! However, have...