active management of placenta
Have you given any thought to birthing your placenta? Yes, that’s right, after your baby is born it doesn’t just stop there – the placenta needs to come out too. The placenta is an incredible organ and has been the lifeline of your baby for the duration of your pregnancy and it needs to be...
Our birth story was one that did not go to plan AT ALL. I know I will miss some information out as it was a very long day and I was running on very limited sleep but here is what I remember… Both Adam and I had our hearts set on a natural birth, to...
There is no doubt that synthetic oxytocin has its place in maternity care, and can be instrumental in saving lives, but even the companies who develop this synthetic oxytocin state that it should not be used for routine inductions and augmentation of labour unless medically necessary. For the use of synthetic oxytocin the woman needs...