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Perth Bodyworkers Collective

We have some really incredible bodyworkers in Perth, so I have put together the Perth Bodyworkers Collective and these are all practitioners that I know, like and trust and regularly refer my clients to who have had amazing results. I always suggest having regular massage during pregnancy with a Pregnancy Massage Specialist who has done...

My Hypnobirthing Journey is so special

My hypnobirthing journey is so special because within 18 months I birthed two absolutely beautiful little boys. Each birth was completely unique, but both were guided by the hypnobirthing philosophies so here is my journey. It really began a good 6 years before I even became pregnant; whilst I was watching the show ‘One Born...

The clitoris and the perineum – the Holy Grail of Womanhood

The clitoris and the perineum – the holy grail of womanhood. We know episiotomy can impact the function and healing of these two sacred parts of the female anatomy, so it is important for women to be educated on what you can do during labour and birth to reduce or eliminate the risk of tearing...

Your birth choices will have a huge impact on the way you give birth

Your birth choices will have a huge impact on the way you give birth and may also affect your postpartum experience so you have to be prepared. Anastasia shares her birth story and how important it was for her to do independent childbirth classes and have an independent midwife so that her and her husband felt...

Self-care and healing after caesarean

A caesarean is major abdominal surgery, so you can expect to experience some level of pain afterwards. Your healthcare provider will ensure that you have medications to help you cope with the pain. It is important that you have support after you leave the hospital to ensure a speedy recovery. It can take anywhere between...

Perth Spinning Babies Workshop

Are you a doula, midwife, childbirth educator, body worker or other health care professional that would like to learn more practical and evidence based tools and techniques to teach or prepare women during their pregnancy for an easier labour and birth? Spinning Babies integrates the art and science of giving birth to give the mother...

The role of your partner and birth support people

Sometimes it can be really hard for your partner or birth support person who is a friend or family member to see you in pain during labour. Having the right people there can really make a difference with the outcome of your birth. Let’s be clear here – the most important person in that birthing...

I handled the surges really well using the techniques we had been taught.

In sharing my experience, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sebastian was born at 9.03am on the 8th September weighing 8-pound 3.5 oz. Even with the knowledge you gave us, I suppose you don’t truly know how it will be until you go through it. Next time I don’t think I’ll go private. As you warned...

Ten tips to plan a healing VBAC

There are so many things to consider when you are planning your vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) and these are just the ones I wanted to put together quickly to get you started, but you have to do your own mind-mapping to work out where you need more information, where you feel strong and confident...

Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Your Pelvis One of the important physical aspects of the body during pregnancy is the pelvis. Your pelvis is not one fixed bone; it is made up of 4 separate bones: sacrum; coccyx two iliac bones, one on the left and one on the right, which are joined to the sacrum at the back at...

Pregnant and in pain? Need help?

Every pregnant woman deserves some pampering. Pregnancy Massage can provide that much needed pampering in addition to reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and preparing muscles and joints for childbirth. It is a much needed therapy to ease some of the aches and pains experienced during pregnancy and labour, and should be regarded as a...

What Are The Benefits Of Pregnancy Massage

In our medically advanced society, massage can often be over-looked as an important part of pregnancy health care. However, this tried and tested tradition is one of the oldest forms of the healing arts and has been used for thousands of years in almost every culture. Every pregnant woman deserves some pampering and massage is...

I’m pregnant – why does it hurt so much?

Preparing for birth is like preparing for a marathon. You need to prepare both your mind and your body. In your mind, you need to release fear, which creates tension, producing more pain, creating more fear, which starts a whole vicious cycle in the mind and body as described by British Obstetrician and leading advocate...

Pregnancy Massage – is it safe?

Although I originally wrote this article in March 2014, I regularly update it with new information as it arises. The popularity and education of prenatal massage has increased significantly over the past few decades. In tribal cultures, prenatal and labour support massage was common.  Anthropologist George Engelmann documented these techniques in the mid 1880’s; however...