antenatal classes Perth
This post is long, and interesting! You get 2 in 1. I hope it helps some of you trying to navigate your way through your journeys. I was born with a uterine anomaly called Uterus Didelphys (UD). I discovered this when trying to use tampons, which I was desperate for because of all the sport...
Our birth story was one that did not go to plan AT ALL. I know I will miss some information out as it was a very long day and I was running on very limited sleep but here is what I remember… Both Adam and I had our hearts set on a natural birth, to...
Making informed choices to suit your set of circumstances for your birth is one of the key messages I promote in my Hypnobirthing Classes. It’s also important to note that two women can look at the same set of circumstances and make completely different decisions. It doesn’t make one right and the other wrong. In...
This birth story is the perfect example of how hypnobirthing classes encourage mums to trust their body and their innate wisdom. I am so proud of Sharna and Scott and how they used all their hypnobirthing knowledge and techniques to create that perfect birthing environment and drew on the experience and midwifery skills of their...
Hypnobirthing in Perth is becoming more popular, and we love sharing our positive birth stories – whether that is home birth, water birth, land birth, hospital birth and even caesarean birth. My hypnobirthing classes are not about natural birth at all costs. This comprehensive childbirth education program is about preparing women and their partners for...
When I got pregnant, everyone said “you must find an Obstetrician immediately! All the good ones book up quickly.” I was in a panic. I had no idea what I was doing so I went out and dutifully found an Obstetrician ASAP. At my first appointment, something didn’t feel right. I don’t think our Obstetrician...
Knowing what your choices are and making informed decisions is the best start to any labour. Adrianna shares her birth story, where she was initially booked in for an induction, yet after looking at all her options and evidence-based resources and confirming that she was well and her baby was doing well, she then used...
Even the best planned births don’t go to plan. Congratulations to Christine and David on the birth of their gorgeous Sophia who was born 10 days before her estimated due date and was very healthy and happy. Christine shares her experience in the hope of helping other women feel calm and relaxed, even when birth...
Introduction by Vicki…. I have waited a year to get this birth story from a woman I admire so much, and when I read this it brought tears to my eyes yet warmed my heart. Yes, it’s a long birth story but it is one that needed to be written that helped a woman heal...
Sheryl shares her birth story after completing my Hypnobirthing classes and highlights how she only just made it to the hospital in time as she started to get the urge to bear down on arrival at the hospital. Sometimes mums can second guess themselves because they are handling their surges so well, breathing and moving through...
I didn’t realise I needed a doula until I didn’t have one at the birth of my first child. Although my first birth was ‘successful’ I deeply missed having an advocate and was left feeling bullied, disempowered and like I had been robbed of the beautiful experience I had heard about. Going into my second...
Your birth choices will have a huge impact on the way you give birth and may also affect your postpartum experience so you have to be prepared. Anastasia shares her birth story and how important it was for her to do independent childbirth classes and have an independent midwife so that her and her husband felt...
Thank you to Deb and Pete for sharing Oliver’s birth story, which didn’t quite go to plan but with the tools and techniques they had learnt from my Hypnobirthing classes they were able to adapt to their change in circumstances, so they still had a positive birth experience and were able to avoid having drugs and interventions....
I was 38+6 on Tuesday the 7th November 2017 when our wonderful midwife Linda visited in the afternoon. The previous weekend we had held a birthday party for our not-quite four-year-old, I’d had my last day of work on Monday and I had joked that once I’d sorted out the house on Tuesday baby could...
It’s interesting to see the responses from women to women who share what they are planning for their birth or their experience of having a “good birth” on social media. Natural birth – what are you trying to prove? You won’t get a medal. These are just some of the responses women are subjected to....
Well, baby no. 3 made his appearance and what an entry he made into the world thanks to Vicki Hobbs and Hypnobirthing. I wanted to thank you for your fear release session and to let you know how much it helped leading up to the birth and also during the intense surges. It really pulled...
After quite a few weeks off work, I was getting impatient for my baby to arrive. As a first time mum, I was quite anxious and excited. Regularly listening to my Hypnobirthing tracks and preparing my affirmations helped keep me calm. I was booked in for a scan at 41 weeks but the night before,...
Orgasms release copious amounts of oxytocin therefore I am a big advocate for female orgasms during labour when things start to slow down or stall. If it is a choice between synthetic oxytocin and real oxytocin, what would you rather have? Just put a sign on your door saying, “Please keep out – orgasm in...
There is something about a royal baby that has the whole world excited. I know…. not everyone gets excited, and if you are not that interested, well just go on by, but I think you will agree that there really is a lot of excitement once we know that a Royal Princess is in labour,...
I love this positive induction birth story I received from Anna who used her hypnobirthing techniques to help her cope with the intensity of her labour and the deviation to her birth plan. Here is her story….. I started bouncing on my fit ball, listening to my Hypnobirthing tracks and practicing nipple stimulation from 38...
I was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I’d finished work 5 days earlier and was finishing off all my “jobs” so I could have a few weeks to relax at home. On this day I was finishing painting the nursery. I was taking it slow but at 4.30pm I felt a little twinge in...
In sharing my experience, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sebastian was born at 9.03am on the 8th September weighing 8-pound 3.5 oz. Even with the knowledge you gave us, I suppose you don’t truly know how it will be until you go through it. Next time I don’t think I’ll go private. As you warned...
Thankyou Vicki for sharing your knowledge and experience with us during our Hypnobirthing classes in Karratha. We ended up having a great experience at the hospital especially after we contacted you while we were at the hospital, and you emailed with additional information and support when we were unsure of what to do. It was...
What are the “absolute” risks of stillbirth? Many healthcare providers create fear in women when they say, “the risk of stillbirth doubles by the end of 42 weeks.” This is the “relative” risk of stillbirth. It is important that you obtain the “absolute” risk before making any decisions. The “absolute” risk means how often does...
No two women are the same; therefore, no two births will be the same even with your own subsequent pregnancies. There is no text book that can tell you when you will go into labour, what you will experience and what the outcome will be. Independent childbirth education is about preparing you for your labour...
Introducing our little man Lennox Jack Brodie, born at home Friday 28th July 2017. The birth of Lennox was completely different to that of our little girl Jorja, who graced us with her presence at 35 weeks. The private hospital pressured me into an induction with my FIFO partner only just making it home in...
Are you having trouble convincing your partner on the benefits of having a Doula at your birth? One of the main reasons a couple may not hire a Doula is because the partner thinks the Doula may take over their role, but it important to know that the Doula will be very inclusive of the...
In 2013, I got a referral to a well known OB/GYN, and during the 3 month wait for my appointment, I fell pregnant. Being my first pregnancy, I was relieved that I was already in the hands of an Obstetrician and I didn’t feel the need to look any further into care providers or birthing...
Thanks to Vicki and her amazing hypnobirthing classes I was able to birth my first baby naturally. We cannot thank her enough for all the knowledge both my partner Mark and I gained from hypnobirthing. On the 16th September 2016 (one week after my estimated due date) I went into labour with my first baby....
Thank you to Rory for sharing his experience and it is brilliant to hear how he viewed the effectiveness of hypnobirthing and his role leading up to and during the birth of his son. My wife Katie was diagnosed with gestational diabetes early in the pregnancy. Due to meticulous diet control, she lost a heap of...
The first hour after birth of skin on skin and bonding is an important and sacred time for the newborn baby, mother and partner and needs to be protected and supported. You cannot get this time back so it should not be interfered with unless the mother or baby need medical attention immediately. Many hospitals...
Greetings fellow hypnobirthing virgins. I am offering you my thoughts via Vicki on the classes that you may be about to attend. Firstly, a little on myself – I am halfway between a sceptic and a believer in processes that may fall under the umbrella of new age. A sceptic, for I do not like...
I was over my estimated due date, and we were at times quite stressed about when this baby was going to come and were feeling the pressure from people around us. I found going back to the hypnobirthing principles, especially listening to the affirmations, really helped me with this and I kept reminding myself “he’ll...
The Unique Connection between mother and child – does it exist? I loved watching the video which went viral in 2015 on social media. It has everyone talking about how clever the children are to find their mums, and it got me thinking about how so many couples don’t understand the importance of that skin-on-skin bonding...
Your baby has just been born and you look down to see what you have created and to your surprise you notice your baby looks like it is covered in white zinc cream and ready for a day out at the cricket. Vernix Caseosa (vernix) is the white, cheesy substance found on the skin of...