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Empowered first time mum switches to home birth

When I found out I was pregnant I immediately felt partial to having a home birth. I was born at home myself in the early 90s, as were many of my cousins and my brother four years later (which my mum encouraged a very excited me to be present for – my interest in pregnancy...

Our birth story was one that did not go to plan at all.

Our birth story was one that did not go to plan AT ALL. I know I will miss some information out as it was a very long day and I was running on very limited sleep but here is what I remember… Both Adam and I had our hearts set on a natural birth, to...

A storm was brewing but I got my vaginal breech birth after caesarean!

I’ve been waiting for this incredible vaginal breech birth after caesarean story as I was so privileged to be a part of this birth as a doula, which meant being a part of  the preparation, the fears, the tears, the excitement and the unknown as even though I have supported many VBAC births, I had...

Hypnobirthing classes encourage mums to trust their body

This birth story is the perfect example of how hypnobirthing classes encourage mums to trust their body and their innate wisdom. I am so proud of Sharna and Scott and how they used all their hypnobirthing knowledge and techniques to create that perfect birthing environment and drew on the experience and midwifery skills of their...

Hypnobirthing in Perth is leading the way – for any birth!

Hypnobirthing in Perth is becoming more popular, and we love sharing our positive birth stories – whether that is home birth, water birth, land birth, hospital birth and even caesarean birth. My hypnobirthing classes are not about natural birth at all costs. This comprehensive childbirth education program is about preparing women and their partners for...

Feel calm and in control no matter how your baby is born

My Hypnobirthing classes can help you feel calm and in control no matter how your baby is born. These classes are about recognising that birth is unpredictable, and there is no one size fits all. It is all about being educated, confident and calm so you can still feel you are in control and can...

When I got pregnant, everyone said “you must find an Obstetrician”

When I got pregnant, everyone said “you must find an Obstetrician immediately! All the good ones book up quickly.” I was in a panic. I had no idea what I was doing so I went out and dutifully found an Obstetrician ASAP. At my first appointment, something didn’t feel right. I don’t think our Obstetrician...

My Hypnobirthing Journey is so special

My hypnobirthing journey is so special because within 18 months I birthed two absolutely beautiful little boys. Each birth was completely unique, but both were guided by the hypnobirthing philosophies so here is my journey. It really began a good 6 years before I even became pregnant; whilst I was watching the show ‘One Born...

Machines that go “ping” to replace midwives

Obstetricians and GP obstetricians are heading a push for machines that go “ping” to replace midwives. What this means is replacing real and dedicated continuity of care, touch, conversations, connections and experts in normal physiological birth with numbers, machines, computer screens and charts that lead to interventions and caesareans. The well-known skit from Monty Python’s...

Even the best planned births don’t go to plan!

Even the best planned births don’t go to plan. Congratulations to Christine and David on the birth of their gorgeous Sophia who was born 10 days before her estimated due date and was very healthy and happy. Christine shares her experience in the hope of helping other women feel calm and relaxed, even when birth...

I was just so happy that I had such a positive birth experience this time round

Sheryl shares her birth story after completing my Hypnobirthing classes and highlights how she only just made it to the hospital in time as she started to get the urge to bear down on arrival at the hospital. Sometimes mums can second guess themselves because they are handling their surges so well, breathing and moving through...

Beware of snakes stealing the show – or possibly starting labour!

I was 38+6 on Tuesday the 7th November 2017 when our wonderful midwife Linda visited in the afternoon. The previous weekend we had held a birthday party for our not-quite four-year-old, I’d had my last day of work on Monday and I had joked that once I’d sorted out the house on Tuesday baby could...

Why do you need a VBAC birth plan?

Every woman should write a birth plan, but for a VBAC mother it is even more important! This is because many women who are having a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) are now more educated and have identified that there may have been alternatives or different options they could have chosen instead of the interventions...

Your cervix should not be on a timer

Bit of a ranty blog this one about understanding that your cervix should not be on a timer – what we need is for women to go back to basics birthing. That Friedman’s Curve from the 1950’s has a lot to answer for and is outdated and inappropriate to be used in this day and...

The role of your partner and birth support people

Sometimes it can be really hard for your partner or birth support person who is a friend or family member to see you in pain during labour. Having the right people there can really make a difference with the outcome of your birth. Let’s be clear here – the most important person in that birthing...

I handled the surges really well using the techniques we had been taught.

In sharing my experience, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sebastian was born at 9.03am on the 8th September weighing 8-pound 3.5 oz. Even with the knowledge you gave us, I suppose you don’t truly know how it will be until you go through it. Next time I don’t think I’ll go private. As you warned...

My intuition was screaming at me that something was amiss

In 2013, I got a referral to a well known OB/GYN, and during the 3 month wait for my appointment, I fell pregnant. Being my first pregnancy, I was relieved that I was already in the hands of an Obstetrician and I didn’t feel the need to look any further into care providers or birthing...

Don’t be fooled – Hypnobirthing is nothing new!

Don’t be fooled – Hypnobirthing is nothing new! With a lot more exposure and media around hypnobirthing, there’s a lot more awareness of this amazing program, but something has been bothering me, and this has bothered me ever since I started teaching hypnobirthing, so let me share my thoughts with you about hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing is...

I could feel my baby moving down and I visualised this as it was happening.

Thanks to Vicki and her amazing hypnobirthing classes I was able to birth my first baby naturally. We cannot thank her enough for all the knowledge both my partner Mark and I gained from hypnobirthing. On the 16th September 2016 (one week after my estimated due date) I went into labour with my first baby....

The fear of perineal trauma can be the inhibitor of birth

The perineum is the area between the vagina and anus, made up of skin, tissue and muscle and stretches incredibly as the head emerges. Many women become fearful about the perineum tearing or needing an episiotomy and wonder how their baby is going to fit through their vagina. An episiotomy is where the Obstetrician or midwife...

Hypnobirthing and Stillbirth

Decreased foetal movement, deceased, three days of being in hospital waiting for baby to come, induction, health complications, breech baby, stillbirth. Massage, laughter, relaxation, meditation, movement, music, dancing and love. All these experiences, actions and feelings I would never have imagined to occur in the same week as each other, but approaching birth with these...

That sacred time of skin on skin after birth

The first hour after birth of skin on skin and bonding is an important and sacred time for the newborn baby, mother and partner and needs to be protected and supported. You cannot get this time back so it should not be interfered with unless the mother or baby need medical attention immediately. Many hospitals...

Yes ….Back to Basics Birthing ticks all the boxes

A ground-breaking Australian study on effective childbirth education was recently released by Dr. Kate Levett and Dr. Hannah Dahlen (who were also key-note speakers at our annual conference). This study highlighted how important it was to not only participate in independent childbirth education classes but to also find a program that included complementary therapies to...

There’s an intruder inside your body

“I wish I had done some classes or prepared myself for what to expect when I went into labour, and maybe my birth would have been very different.” This is what so many women say to me when they are trying to have a more positive experience with their next birth or VBAC (vaginal birth...

On Good Friday I gave birth to a beautiful little boy!

I went into labour at 4am on 25th Of March 2016. I was in bed fast asleep and suddenly felt like I was peeing myself so I tried to hold it in, which just didn’t work. I slowly moved out of bed and it trickled down my legs. I was too embarrassed to wake my partner Adam at this...

“For this birth, I was determined to have a VBAC”

My birth was truly amazing! It was all thanks to the amazing support I received from my husband, my Hypnobirthing practitioner Vicki Hobbs and two amazing midwives, hypnobirthing and believing in myself, my body and my baby! I wanted to share my (very loooooong) birth story with you, in the hope that it will help/encourage...

Amy births hypnobub Vivie in assessment room

My husband Stewart and I were encouraged to learn hypnobirthing by my mum who has a background in nursing and is currently a counsellor who uses hypnosis in her practice. My sister also had two successful natural births using relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques. I decided to post on Facebook asking friends for recommendations of local...

Group B Strep – what you should know!

Group B Streptococcus (or more commonly referred to as GBS or Group B Strep) is a bacteria that is normally present in our bodies. Around one fifth of women carry the bacteria without even knowing they have it. In RARE cases GBS can cause serious illness and even death in newborn babies, but more commonly it...

Music for you, your birth and your baby!

During your labour and birth, it is important that you feel comfortable, safe and calm in your birthing space. Music plays an important part in this. Everyone is different of course, and during labour and birth what you think you might like to hear during your labour and birth may be totally different when you...

The Hypnobirthing classes totally changed my perception around birthing!

I just have to share my beautiful birth experience with you all! I took hypnobirthing classes with Vicki and these classes totally changed my perception around birthing! Not only did they educate me and my partner, but they gave me so much confidence and empowered me to trust my instincts and to trust that my...

My VBAC was such an amazing surreal experience!

Just wanted to share my successful VBAC story. I ended up being induced because my waters started leaking on Tuesday morning, but I wasn’t getting any surges so spoke to my midwife and she had said to stay at home as long as possible because they would keep me in once I got to hospital. So I went...

My labour was short and very intense!

I am so happy that I found and hired Vicki to be my Doula. My husband was  unable to attend, making it very important that I had the support of someone, who I felt confident in, to help me through labour. Vicki was amazing, calming,  confident and supportive throughout the whole journey of pregnancy, labour...

Do you want a positive birth? It’s your choice, not mine!

Why is it so important to choose an independent childbirth educator and attend classes such as hypnobirthing or active birthing classes? Because over time women have forgotten that birth is a natural and normal physiological event! Women have become more accepting of medical interventions. Caesareans are the highest they have ever been, and it is...

Smell, touch and bonding with baby – is this really important?

The Unique Connection between mother and child – does it exist?  I loved watching the video which went viral in 2015 on social media. It has everyone talking about how clever the children are to find their mums, and it got me thinking about how so many couples don’t understand the importance of that skin-on-skin bonding...

What is that gross stuff on your baby?

Your baby has just been born and you look down to see what you have created and to your surprise you notice your baby looks like it is covered in white zinc cream and ready for a day out at the cricket. Vernix Caseosa (vernix) is the white, cheesy substance found on the skin of...

Natural Induction Methods – do they work?

There is no such thing as a “natural induction” of labour. Anything that is trying to make your baby come before it is ready is a risk. So, you think it is time to evict your baby? You have had enough. You are tired, uncomfortable and just want to meet your little one…..NOW! However, have...

What Do You Take To Hospital or Birthing Centre?

Your hospital bag….. What do you need to take with you to the hospital? This is just a general guide of things you may need or want to have available when you are at your place of birth, and I have added to the list as other mums have recommended  items they felt were essential. Now...

Julie rocks her hypnobirth with heart condition!

Introducing our hypnobirthing baby girl Roxy. I had the most amazing birth at King Eddies in Perth under the care of a fabulous obstetrician. He had no experience of hypnobirthing, but willingly tried to keep it as close to my birth plan as possible, with me having a heart condition. My baby and I were...

I’m pregnant – why does it hurt so much?

Preparing for birth is like preparing for a marathon. You need to prepare both your mind and your body. In your mind, you need to release fear, which creates tension, producing more pain, creating more fear, which starts a whole vicious cycle in the mind and body as described by British Obstetrician and leading advocate...

“I kept talking to my baby loudly” – when birth preferences change!

First of all I would like to thank Vicki Hobbs from the Hypnobirthing Centre WA for helping me release my fear of birthing and to also help me think positive all the way about everything – my pregnancy, my labour, the surges I would experience and moving my baby down.  I was one person who...

Special Circumstances hypnobirth of Cooper

The Hypnobirthing class helped me from the first session and weeks before my labour started. I have always had a huge fear of needles but I knew that it was all in my mind. The classes helped me to deal with that and my first blood test after starting the course was a whole new...

Hypnobirthing – taking the fear out of childbirth

“Hypnobirthing” is just a fancy name for “hypnosis for birth” and the hypnosis part of this course is only one small component of the program. It is a full childbirth education program that covers so much in only 12 hours of session time. When I chat to women about hypnobirthing some of them have said...